The reader may be familiar with a current advertisement from Apple with regards to their latest watch, known as 'Better You'. The premise is that by using the functions of the watch, the owner can incrementally adjust their lifestyle to a more healthy one. The notion is actually a parallel with associations many people have with martial arts, particularly modern Budo (which most people probably term 'Traditional Martial Arts'). I will link the add here if you have not seen it, however, this is not a monetised blog so I receive no benefit from you watching it (and Apple has not paid me although I would happily accept their cash). The add, of course, tries to have the person watching buy into the idea that if they purchase the watch they too can make their life better. The same is often understood to be true in modern Budo whereby the practitioner gradually 'polishes their spirit' through participation. There is a consequent link that results, that is the a...