The Shindo Muso Ryu system is well known and well documented since the time of Shimizu Takaji post-Meiji restoration. As such it is quite easy to get hold of the syllabus information and the following is compiled mainly from Wikipedia entries and other Jodo sources, none of the notes or descriptions are my own. Note the basics can be seen in the Seitei Jodo post. Another good source of information can be found here . Twelve basics The twelve basic techniques are used in both Shintō Musō-ryū and in the Seitei jōdō of the All Japan Kendō Federation (Zen Nihon Kendō Renmei, ZNKR, 全日本剣道連盟), although the latter uses a slightly modified version. 1 Honte uchi (本手打 main strike) 2 Gyakute uchi (逆手打 reverse-grip strike) 3 Hikiotoshi uchi (引落打 downward-pulling strike) 4 Kaeshi tsuki (返突 counterthrust) 5 Gyakute tsuki (逆手突 reverse-grip thrust) 6 Maki otoshi (巻落 downward twist) 7 Kuri tsuke (繰付 spin and attach) 8 Kuri hanashi (繰放 spin...