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The Structure of the Seitei Jodo Syllabus

Note, the following is more or less a cut and paste job from Wikipedia and other sources - they are not my own notes but for this type of reference, there was little point in expanding any further.  I will add the following note that in Australia for grades above 5th Dan in the ZNKR the Koryu kata form part of the examinations, therefore necessitating practice of the Koryu (SMR).  I myself received a 2nd Dan in Seitei Jodo however no longer practice this art.

The Kendo Federation published a regulation book as well as a video series on Seitei Jodo, I have included the video here.

The modern study of jōdō (way of the jō), has two branches.

One is koryū, or "old school" jōdō. This branch is further subdivided into a number of different schools which include jōdō or jōjutsu in their curriculum, (Shintō Musō-ryū, Suiō-ryū, Tendō-ryū, Hōten-ryū, Kukishin-ryū, Takenouchi-ryū, etc.). These schools also teach the use of other weapons such as the sword, the naginata, the short staff, the chained sickle, the truncheon and grappling. Most practitioners specialise in only one school.

The other branch is called Seitei Jōdō and is practiced by the All Japan Kendo Federation (全日本剣道連盟 Zen Nippon Kendō Renmei).

Seitei Jōdō starts with 12 pre-arranged forms (kata), which are drawn from Shintō Musō-ryū. In addition to these 12 kata the student will also study their koryū.

Jōjutsu has also been adapted for use in the Japanese police force, who refer to the art as keijō-jutsu (警杖術), or police stick art.

Aiki-jō is the name given to the set of martial art techniques practiced with a jō, practiced according to the principles of aikido, taught first by Morihei Ueshiba then further developed by Morihiro Saito, one of Ueshiba's most prominent students.

Seitei Jodo
Contains twelve forms (kata) developed in part by Shimizu Takaji and by a committee tasked with the creation of a compact Jōdō system to be taught mainly in Kendo dojos. The result was the Zen Ken Renmei Seitei Jōdō system containing twelve forms (kata) and twelve basic techniques (kihon).

Both the basic techniques and forms are drawn primarily from the koryu martial art Shinto Muso-ryu. The kata were chosen from the three first series of SMR, Omote, chudan and Ran ai as they were seen to best represent the art. Ten of these kata were taken from the existing SMR kata but with minor modifications as to better suit the requirements of the Kendo Federation. The two other kata was created specifically for the new Seitei Jōdō system and were not part of the original SMR-system. Seitei Jodo is today taught as a part of the Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei (All Japan Kendo Federation).

 1 Honte Uchi
 2 Gyakute Uchi
 3 Hiki Otoshi Uchi
 4 Kaeshi Zuki
 5 Gyakute Zuki
 6 Maki Otoshi
 7 Kuri Tsuke
 8 Kuri Hanashi
 9 Tai Atari
 10 Tsuki Hazushi Uchi
 11 Dobarai Uchi
 12 Tai Hazushi Uchi (left and right side)

 1 ipponme (Tsuki Zue)
 2 nihonme (Suigetsu)
 3 sanbonme (Hissage)
 4 yonhonme (Shamen)
 5 gohonme (Sakan)
 6 ropponme (Monomi)
 7 nanahonme (Kasumi)
 8 hachihonme (Tachi Otoshi)
 9 kyuhonme (Rai Uchi)
 10 jupponme (Seigan)
 11 jūipponme (Midare Dome)
 12 jūnihonme (Ran Ai)

Seitei Jōdō is essentially a gendai martial art with modern grades attached to the All Japan Kendo Federation. The dan/kyu system is used for everyone. The koryu training licenses as found in SMR, (Oku-iri, Shomokuroku, Gomokuroku and Menkyo Kaiden), is not used in Seitei Jōdō. The Seitei-system includes renshi, kyoshi, and hanshi ranks, although a Seitei Jodo practitioner can of course achieve the older ranks in SMR assuming they are trained in it specifically.

Unlike the original art, Seitei Jōdō holds competitions in which the performance of the uchidachi (sword) and shidachi (jo) is evaluated by a panel of judges giving points for proper execution of techniques.

In the majority of dojos today, the jodoka essentially uses the same clothing as practitioners of kendo, minus the armour and other protective padding: A blue/indigo uwagi (jacket), an obi (belt, often the same type as used in iaido), a blue or black hakama (wide trousers used by samurai). The type of clothing worn is not universal for all SMR dojos.

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