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Kusarigama of Isshin Ryu 一心流長柄鎖鎌 (Type 4) - Nagae Kusarigama

I do not have much information on if this is a survivor, is recreated or belongs to a particular group however it is a rare example of the long-handled Type 4.  The picture below from Kaminoda's book on Isshin Ryu shows the practice weapon.

An imporatnt point is that it means the Ryu had the idea of a flail type as well - it must have beena case of choosing to keep the chain and sickle type seen in Isshin Ryu rather than converting to a smaller flail type.

I like the look of this weapon!

The weight is in motion.

Weight downwards at hands.

Block with the blade.

Rake down between the hands.

To show length.

 Miss, hit the ground.

Come back up between hands.

Right hand away.

Single off-hand stab.


Weight hit downwards.

Maki otoshi style catch.

Rake the front arm.

Release hand.

Single hand cut.

Maki otoshi style catch.

Rake the other arm.

Jump the sweep.

Continue sweep, high.

Foot entanglement.

They perform a level change.

Attack with other foot.

Hard downwards.

Half sword reinforced block.

Miss hit the ground.

Continue attack forward leg.

They slip leg.

Retreat for distance, with weight hit.

Block with the shaft.

Axe like attack.

The demonstration from which these stills are taken:

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