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Schools That Once Contained Chigiriki

The following is hack-translated from a Japanese source by me, so is not be reliable and is probably not comprehensive.

荒木流  (Araki Ryu)、 気楽流  (Kiraku Ryu)、 笹光流 (Sasakou/Sasa Hikari/Sasa mitsu Ryu)、 無拍子流(Mubyoshi Ryu) 、 當田流 (Touda Ryu)、 堤宝山流  (Tsutsumi Hozan Ryu)、 鏡新明智流 (Kyoshin Meichi Ryu)、 戸田流 (Toda Ryu) 、 初実剣理方一流 (Shojitsu Kenri Kataichi Ryu)、など、いくつもの流儀に含まれていた (its was included is several ways, such as these).

It (chigiriki) was included in several schools, including Araki Ryu, Kiraku Ryu, Sasakou? Ryu, Mubyoshi Ryu, Toda Ryu, Tsutsumi Hozan Ryu, Kyoshin Meichi Ryu, Toda Ryu and Shojitsu Kenri Kataichi Ryu.

特に (Especially) 、念流 (Nen Ryu)、中条系の流派 (a part of the Chujo Ryu Group) によく見られたようである (commonly seen in this line)。

It is commonly seen in branches of the Nen Ryu, that are part of the Chujo Ryu group.

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