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Schools That Once Contained Kusarigama

The following is hack-translated from a Japanese source by me, so it is not be reliable and is probably not comprehensive.

流派 Ryuha

専門流派 Specialty schools
心鏡流 Shinkyo Ryu?
一心流(神道夢想流杖術に付属)Isshin Ryu (part of Shindo Muso Ryu)
山田流鎖鎌術(不遷流柔術に付属)Yamada Ryu? (part of Fusen Ryu)
二刀神影流(大正時代に創始)Nito Shinkage Ryu (founded Taisho period)
卜伝流(柳剛流剣術に併伝、伊勢の系統)Bokuden Ryu (Ryugo Ryu)
金輪流 Kanawa Ryu

流派内の武器術にあるもの Schools which include the weapon
正木流 Masaki Ryu
荒木流 Araki Ryu
竹内流 Takenouchi Ryu
渋川流 Shibukawa Ryu
渋川一流 Shibukawa Ichi Ryu
楊心流(薙刀術)Yoshin Ryu (Naginata Jutsu)
天道流 Tendo Ryu
戸田派武甲流薙刀術 Toda Ha Buko Ryu
駒川改心流 Komagawa Kaishin Ryu?
柳生心眼流 Yagyu Shingan Ryu
直猶心流(直心影流薙刀術に併伝)Jikishin Ryu (Jikishinkage Ryu Naginata)
気楽流 Kiraku Ryu

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